“Come tutto scompare” is a compact traditional chest of drawers which is divided up inside into a multitude of little drawers, as if seeking to reflect how a person may be identified as an individual by their name but their existence will comprise a huge number of different moments. And to highlight the desire to leave a trace when exploring solutions to the eternal problem of “everything changes”, this chest of drawers (as versatile and original as life itself) is able to transform itself into a table, a dressing table, or a writing desk, as required by the woman it was originally designed for.
Product Details

Essence and finishing
Bottega Ghianda carefully selects the quality of materials such as essences, leathers and fine fabrics that make each product unique

Bottega Ghianda
Bottega Ghianda has now added to its product offering: among the design created entirely within the workshop, we find a few brand new ones as well as former prototypes that have now finally been completed.
Different architecture and design visions have given rise to a new series of forms expresses through wood. This is a new series of forms expressed through wood. This I s a new stage in Bottega Ghianda’s journey.