The Parola Amore (“Love”) was created in the sixties, from an original idea by Pino Tovaglia who also designed the Bottega Ghianda symbol. It is produced in different types of wood, and the letters can be slotted together to compose a cube.
Handmade and hand assembled, then finally polished with loving care.
Product Details
Technical specifications
The Story of a Handmade Artwork That Embodies Design, Culture, and Brotherhood
Pino Tovaglia, one of Italian most meticulous graphic designers, delved into the Codice Tondo to explore the perceptual process of characters. This study focused on alphabets, specifically on the 'in-depth' legibility of a word achieved by layering letters to create a three-dimensional effect. Tovaglia's exploration with the word "AMORE" led to a collaboration with Bottega Ghianda and the creation of a wooden sculpture that was exhibited in 1975 at Ugo Carrega's Alfabeti al Mercato del Sale exhibition.
The graphic and poetic journey of AMORE took on new life in 1981 when it transformed into the Monument of Fraternity, a 3.3x3.3m marble sculpture gifted by Italy to the Council of Europe. Blessed in Rome by Pope Giovanni Paolo II, the monument now stands in the gardens of the Council's headquarters in Strasbourg.
Nel 2023, anno del centenario dalla nascita di Pino Tovaglia, Bottega Ghianda vuole commemorare il designer, realizzando un’esemplare dell’opera in massello d’acero con lettere alte 98 centimetri, completamente realizzata a mano grazie alle sapienti mani degli ebanisti Bottega Ghianda.
Essence and finishings
Bottega Ghianda carefully selects the quality of materials such as essences, leathers and fine fabrics that make each product unique.